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Case Study: The Success Of


Case Study: The Success Of

September 30, 2020

As anyone in the eCommerce realm can attest to, it can be pretty disheartening when a major influx in traffic doesn’t lead to an equally major spike in sales. Especially if the traffic is the result of Paid Ad Campaigns through Facebook Ads, Google Ads or any other Digital Platform. Amelia Jackson understood that an Ecommerce Store will not be able to survive relying solely on Paid Ad Campaigns, and looked at other methods to convert their traffic into sales.   

Unfortunately, that’s exactly what happened to South African Carpentry Artisans, Amelia Jackson when they started their online store. The traffic was there, it was clear to see, but nobody was purchasing their products. The brand’s website had been seeing hundreds of visitors each month—but its conversion rates were absolutely abysmal. The problem was even worse on mobile, where Amelia Jackson’s conversion rate was less than half that of its desktop alternative. 

Upon realizing something needed to be done, the store’s first order of business was to more clearly communicate its unique selling propositions and other offers and policies to its visitors. This meant displaying information regarding free delivery, shipping options, and product availability prominently within its individual product pages: 

Source: Amelia Jackson

Along with this, Amelia Jackson Industries also tweaked their site’s header—specifically, decreasing the logo’s size, and adding the above-mentioned info at the very top of the page. Again, this made it much easier for visitors to learn about these policies and offers right away.

Finally, the team also tweaked the appearance of its shopping cart page.

Source: Amelia Jackson Industries

Once more, the above information is now prominently displayed to the consumer—this time in two ways. In addition to making changes to the header, the website now displays the store's offer for free shipping in an image that stands out at the bottom of the screen.

The end result of Amelia Jackson's efforts, as Honeywhale explains:

"Its overall conversion rate increased by 124% , with their mobile conversion rate going up by nearly 65%. All in all, this equated to increased profits by altering/tweaking small areas of the site that needed improvement"

Take home message

There are 3 main lessons to take away, here:

Firstly, it’s essential that you communicate your value to your potential customers in a clear and concise manner. If you offer something of value—say, free shipping on orders over R500—but you don’t tell your visitors about it, how are they supposed to know?

On the other side of this, you want to avoid including redundant or unnecessary information anywhere on your eCommerce website. Not only might this be distracting to your visitors, but it also takes up physical space on your site that could have been put to better use.

Finally, it’s worth pointing out that optimizing your site might not mean you need to do a complete overhaul. As was the case with Amelia Jackson Industries, a few tiny, seemingly insignificant tweaks can be all your site needs to start generating a massive amount of conversions.

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